Thursday, October 2, 2008

Charlie's Cognitive Skills

When Charlie was first diagnosed with developmental dyspraxia or cerebral palsy or motor planning problems, (pick which flavor you like best), most of our experts thought that there may be a cognition problem as well. It was hard to tell, because despite what the experts say, the tests for determining cognitive ability rely largely on motor and speech skills- which he is very behind in.

Now at 2 1/2, the jury is in. Despite having probably 20 words or less, the boy can identify colors and shapes. He can count to three and tell us how many of a particular item we have (up to three - you gotta start somewhere...). He also can sing in tune (without the right words) the song "Twinkle twinkle Little Star." He also beats to the tempo- even if you change the tempo.

I've decided I get to brag about this because it makes me feel a lot better about the times we are around "normal" kids his age and they talk so much more and move their bodies so much better. The boy won't go near a sit and push with your legs scooter. Meanwhile other kids are riding tricycles. Even the ones with the crack-addicted mothers, who live on soda pop and white bread.

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